Tag Archives | estate planning lawyer

Pricing top

If Price is Your First Question

Sometimes you suspect someone might not be the right fit for a business relationship. There are a number of red flags I watch for when I hear from someone out of the blue. For me, an emphasis on or preoccupation with ‘price’ is one of them. Which gives me permission to be direct with the […]

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Will not mad-libbed - article image top substitute

Make Sure Your Will is Not ‘Mad-Libbed’

The proliferation of online estate planning tools may give you the sense that your will consists of a whole list of blank spaces, into which your attorney inserts names of your choosing, and out spew your legal documents. Like a fancy, binding game of Mad Libs. The reality is – your will, and the process […]

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Little Business Woman

Goals First, Solutions Second

Estate planning is not a one-size-fits-all exercise. It’s not even a one-size-fits-most. This is how most people think estate planning goes: You meet with an attorney. They take an inventory of your family and your stuff. They hand you a big pile of documents based upon your inventory. Then they send you the bill. No […]

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