Stop “Meaning to Do It”, Here’s the First Step: the Power of “Tsst”

Have you ever watched Cesar Milan work with dogs with obsessive behavior? He frequently uses “Tsst” to distract and calm the animal. It also works with cats.

I’ve frequently thought we should do that to and for each other when we get stuck in a mental loop that keeps us spinning our wheels. You know that loop where you have a goal, but you’re not really sure what you need to do to accomplish it, and you’re not sure where to start, so you just keep going over all the options in your head, but you never actually take action because you’re not sure what you need to do and you’re not sure where to start…. Yeah. That mental loop.


We often work with parents who have been “meaning” to get their estate plan done for years, sometimes decades. When I ask why they hadn’t been able to get to it, I hear stories similar to this, “Well, we didn’t really know what we needed and we weren’t sure how to start.” Or a client will say, “I kept thinking, ‘I wasn’t sure who to name’ and I didn’t know how to figure that out. Then it just all seemed so complicated and I just didn’t know how to begin.”


Stop thinking yourself in circles. Your estate lawyer has the solutions you want. You don’t need to have everything figured out, or know exactly what you need. It’s your attorney’s job to help you understand your risks and the legal stuff you need to accomplish your goals.  In this way, you can make informed decisions to protect your family, yourself and your money.

But which attorney? (Obviously we’re a little biased about this answer.) How should you start to find the right attorney? Internet search? Referral from a trusted source? Yellow pages? What should you ask them? Solo attorney or a member of a firm? How much should it cost? Is a flat fee an option? What if a law changes? What if, what if, what if….


Take a look at our free consumer tool, up at the top of the screen on the right, 6 Simple Questions to Find the Perfect Estate Lawyer. Pick up the phone, call the best options you have, and ask those 6 simple questions. Then you can make sure you’re comparing similar information when evaluating which attorney you want to work with.

Just don’t make the mistake of thinking you have to have it all figured out before you pick up that phone. You don’t. Hire an attorney you like and trust, and let him/her guide you to finding the right solution. A good attorney will guide you. A great attorney will teach you, help you understand, and give you the confidence of knowing you made great decisions.

“Don’t let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.” ~ John R. Wooden. You can pick up the phone and get started. Once you’re moving, you can always change directions, but you can’t course correct if you’re standing still.

Have an awesome day!


Other items of interest:

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