Your college student is enjoying life on campus – and hopefully attending classes! You’re the proud parent back home – checking in through texts and emails and Facebook – making sure your baby is happy, healthy, and at least occasionally eating something other than pizza! And you’re excited that all the habits and values you’ve […]
Legal Needs for Your College Student Part 2: Medical Decisions
It’s every parent’s worst nightmare: your child is injured or ill and you need to make the Big Decisions. You consult with doctors, you get second opinions, you talk with your child’s other parent and trusted family. You will do whatever it takes to make the best possible decisions for your child’s health, happiness, and […]
Legal Needs for Your College Student: Make Sure You Can Still Get Answers
Your little bird has flown the nest – and is safely installed as an adult on a college campus. No matter how big your baby is, you can still remember the moment you brought them home… You’ll always be a parent and they’ll always be your kid. You’re always there to do whatever it takes […]
Over-Coming Over-Achieving
Hi. I’m Tracey, and I’m a somewhat over-achiever, or a recovering perfectionist. I’m not entirely sure which, but a combination of the two seems to fit the bill. I tend to try to get a lot done any given day. I seem to have a belief that getting a ton done any given day should […]
We’re Hiring!
This position is part legal assistant, part executive assistant and part personal assistant to the CEO. You WILL learn an incredible amount about business, entrepreneurship and marketing, if you are interested. You WILL have fun along the way. If this sounds exciting to you, you might be THE ONE.
Legal Industry is Evolving!
And we have a way for you to be part of it! I’ve long been a proponent of the idea that the legal industry should and must evolve. Many people are sick of hearing me say it, but I’ll say it again anyway. It’s not the 1800s anymore, why are attorneys still working with their […]
The Financial Impossibility for Nursing Homes
In last week’s entry I wrote about new nursing home daily rates, and the possibility of MassHealth (Medicaid) to help cover the very expensive cost of care. This week I’ll shine the spotlight on the very real challenge for nursing homes, namely the delay between a resident running out of money and being Medicaid-eligible, and […]
New Year, New Nursing Home Rates
It’s that time of year again. New Year’s Resolutions. New Year, New You! New, new, new. It’s also the time of year when businesses evaluate their budgets and rates, and that usually means an increase. One of the local nursing homes announced it’s new rates last week. All sorts of reasons were given: new government […]
“Recorded Deed Notice” – IT’S ALL HOOEY!
That Recorded Deed Notice you just got in the mail – It’s a big bunch of HOOEY! If you’re a client of Ingle Law, and recently implemented a trust as part of your estate plan, you probably know the notice I’m talking about. If you haven’t gotten that far in your planning yet, this is […]
Kids? Protect Assets? Philanthropy? – Your Unique Why
Everyone comes to their planning with a different driving motivation. “‘Many people focus on estate planning with regard to who will take care of the kids,’ [Sharon DeVaney] said. ‘But the responsibility of taking care of older parents and changes associated with divorce can be just as important as motivators.’”